Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today is Easter Sunday! We had breakfast at home, then us and Jim went to Mike's new house.(Mike is our dad and Jim's good friend. He owns super markets called " Mollie Stone's") We've never been there before so we were really exited.

The  Entrance to Mike's House

Mike's  House

View of the house from the garden
Super beautiful swimming pool

 We've never had "Cherry Coke" before, Liked it :)

horse stables



 Tim Lincecum's jersey

The beautiful view from the kitchen window

Mike's out door TV, so cool!!!!!
another picture of the beautiful swimming pool

 Mike makes delicious burgers!!!!

                                                           Vanessa    Jim    Kayleigh

After having a wonderful time at Mike's house, we came back and helped Philly make the Easter dinner.

 Take a look at this weird looking carrot Philly bought, lol

 Looks like your seeing double, right?

Our wonderful Easter dinner


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