Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2nd day in USA

Today was a shopping day.We woke up late, got ready. Then Philly took us to a target we did some shopping there then went to lunch at Rubio's. It was really really good. After lunch we went shopping even more. It was kinda like an outdoor shopping mall. It was very cool(The weather was too). We got some really pretty stuff. We haven't decided about what we're gonna give to our friends yet.

We saw a plane with a commercial banner and thought it was really cool so we took a picture of it

 i've never heard of "vanilla coke",thought it was kinda cool(i didn't like it anyway...)

 Our lunch at Rubio's

 We had the famous fish taco's,they were great!!!

   "The gourmet dinner" Philly made:)


  1. Damn that is one impressive site. I have some spelling corrections for you. What a great job, you have one very proud dad. You two are too much.

  2. Hey guys, you're off to a great start, now go have some fun

    Verne & Kanchana

  3. that was a really really good blogpost for 13 year old girls who travel alone, I'm proud of you.
