Monday, April 18, 2011

John Muir House

This morning we woke up and went to the " John Muir House ". It was really cool, We've never really seen anything like it before. Some of the stuff was really creepy, but every thing was very interesting!. We had a really good time and we took lots of pictures. We were able to upload them thanks Micheal! He helped us out :)

golden poppies

Children's bedroom 

 note: if you look closely, you can see the kids toys on the bed

 John Muir's office

In this room they had lots of very interesting stuff. All of it was real too. 

 His wife's actual wedding dress
The ranger said that it hasn't been on display for decades and they will put it back next week. He also said that they probably wont bring it out to display again for decades as-well.

 She wore these shoes on her wedding day
 This too :)

 John Muir's actual saddle

We took some pictures of things that were inside the addict, We had to use a really strong flash because it was really dark in there. We thought the stuff in there was really old and creepy!

We hope you enjoyed


  1. Yippee you are back up and running. So happy to see it .. I will send you an email with any typos and spelling you need to correct.

    Matthew is checking your blog out as well.

  2. These photos are great. I'm a big fan of John Muir. I lived in California for 20 years and I never went there so I liked this entry alot. I can't believe they let you in the attic...You might not remember me, we were at Karen and Doug's in Ashland with Ken and kids and you all a few years ago. Nice blog!
