Monday, April 25, 2011

The Reagan Library

Today we woke-up and went to the Reagan Presidential Library with Jim in the morning.We took some pictures in the car on the way there:)

 Jim pointed out this sign for us to see,it's a little bit scary,haha
 We took a bunch of pictures at the library,here are some of them!

 Us with Ronald and Nancy Reagan:)

 This was really cool. Yous sit in front of  the green screen and say lines from a movie and the computer will edit you in to the movie that Ronald Reagan was in.
 Jim in the movie:)

Me and Kayleigh did it too!

 We're making a speech!

Ronald and Nancy Reagan's clothes
 This room is an exact replica of the oval office in the White House.

 Ronald Regean's air force one airplane

We took a few pictures,haha

 The cockpit!

The presidents office.

The kitchen.
 The presidential helicopter.

A piece of the world trade center.

 A part of the Berlin Wall.
 A replica of the White House south lawn.
 Ronald Reagan's grave.
 We took some more pictures on the way back!

 For lunch we had hot dogs at Cupid's!
 After lunch we went back to Mrs.Conran (Mary)'s house and picked
up Philly to go to Malibu!

 A really big house on the beach in Malibu.

We took some pictures on the walk from the car to the beach:)

 Philly helped us take the pictures at Malibu beach :)

 Kayleigh wanted to take the seaweed home,haha
 We though it would be fun to wake around on the rocks:)

 The tide was coming in!

 We were trying to balance in the rocks : P
It was really slippery!!!

 Today was another great day in LA!

1 comment:

  1. great report again, you guys are staying up too late getting the blog done. Fantastic job once more time.
