Thursday, April 14, 2011

3rd day in USA

Today we woke up and packed our stuff into a smaller suitcase that we borrowed from Philly because this morning Aunty Mo and Rich came to pick us up to stay with them   for a couple nights.                              We were really exited :) 

 Our breakfast, Cheerios

 Plums and pears, can't find those in Thailand:)

 Out the kitchen window

A while after we took these pictures, Aunty Mo and Rich came and picked us up. We went to the California Academy of Sciences. The roads on the way there was really really pretty, so we took lots of pictures

 Golden Gate Bridge

 The Front


We also took some pictures of the "Living Roof" it was really really pretty. It was really windy out there too :)

 A close up of the different kinds of plants growing on the roof.
                                                            Aunty Mo  Vanessa   Kayleigh

 After we came down from the roof. We went and looked at all the weird looking lizards, frogs, snakes. We took lotes of pictures. Some of them really blend in with the grass and dirt inside the glass boxes so you really have to take a good look.

 These frogs are only as big as our finger nails. They were kinda cute!


 An anaconda

 The albino alligator

 penguins! So Cute!!!

 Not so long after we took these pictures of the penguins, they fed them. It was really cute,and interesting.

It's a moon rock ^ ^

It's a section from a book we saw at the Academy of sciences. It says"The healthiest posture for your back is reclining" We thought it was kinda cool because every one always tells us that it's bad if we don't sit up straight.

 Pictures we took on the way home

We stopped at Target on the way to Aunty Mo's house,and after that we went to Nob Hill super market to buy some strawberries .We had pizza for dinner,it was great!!! 


  1. Wow, it took me a while to figure out how to get around in your blog, but I found the new entry.

    Well done again, keep them coming, it is really really a piece of art this blog. I see Mo is now following you as well.

  2. Nice photos; what camera are you using?

  3. We use a CASIO EXILIM 12.1 mega pixel, HD video recording camera :)
