Sunday, April 17, 2011


Today we woke up kinda late, then we went to Berkeley, after that we went back to Philly and Jim's house. After dinner we went to a Bachata dancing class.

 We dont have pizzas this big in Thailand!!
Matt brought different toppings for each piece. 

 Lets take a tour of Aunty Mo and Rich's house

 We thought it was kinda cool that there was only 1 orange on the whole tree :)

We liked the color

 Aunty Mo was giving Matt (Rich's son) a hair cut!

 Vanessa & Aunty Mo
 Kayleigh & Aunty Mo (We really liked her shirt)

We went to Berkeley University! It was really fun (and crazy) There were so many people there!

                                                                          "The Cal Bear "

We went to see "RIO" at the movie theater, It was really fun and cute. We really enjoyed it.

 We've never seen a movie theater like this one before and we thought it was really cool :)

 We couldn't get the pictures to go to the right angle because of some uploading problems. >> Just tilt your heads. LOL
 We helped prepare some green beans "Thai Style " to have with steak.We burnt them a bit, but they still came out pretty good.

                                                    Our dinner, Really really good!!!

                                           Left: Patricia (Jim's sister) Right: Philly Top: Jim

After the wonderful dinner we went with Jim to his Bachata dance class. Here are some pictures.

After we got back from the Bachata class. We got to try some cupcakes. They looked really cute.

                              We haven't really had cupcakes before, There really really good!           
                                                                    taken by Philly

*** Any pictures that weren't included will be put up later :), We couldn't upload all of them at the same time.***


  1. Wow I feel like I am there, all the pix are so good. University of California at Berkeley would be correct. You have now seen two of the best universities on the west coast. Have a great time going down to LA tomorrow and thanks so darn much for taking the time to get these up. You made my day at 3pm. Damn I have seen the House.

    Enjoy the cooler weather and keep on having the times of your lives.

  2. thanks, we're gonna leave for L.A. right now :)
